World Tour 2010

Dear Supporters,
Youth are the heartbeat of our future. Youth who know that they have rights and responsibilities can strive to reach their full potentials. Unfortunately, youth who do not know their rights are vulnerable and easy prey for ill-intentioned individuals.
The purpose of Youth for Human Rights International is to teach youth about human rights, specifically the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and inspire them to become advocates for tolerance and peace.
Circling the globe since 2004, our annual YHRI World Tours have reached all continents, more than eighty countries and hundreds of thousands of youth. Each year we continue to present our human rights education programs to heads of state, leaders and educators as well as youth in universities, schools, youth groups, hospitals, juvenile detention centers and orphanages. TV, radio and the press spread our messages to millions. Last year alone, the YHRI World Tour circled the globe to Argentina, Austria, Barbados, Colombia, Jordan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, Uganda and the USA.
World Tour 2010 will include Brazil, Ecuador, Greece, Guatemala, Hawaii, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Portugal, Sardinia, Sicily, South Africa, Swaziland, Taiwan and the USA.
YHRI is a nonprofit corporation. We depend on dedicated volunteers and generous support from like-minded individuals, groups and organizations. The question is not what it would cost to teach human rights but what it would cost not to. Your support is needed. Working together to teach human rights we can make a difference. Youth who know their rights can defend against or report abuses.
With Kind Regards,
Mary Shuttleworth, Ed.D.